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STC Committee

March 21, 2024 Florida Seagrass Recovery Project 1 files February 15, 2024 Review Progress on C-STARS Grant 2 files January 18, 2024 “Approve” indicators and metrics, Identify a framework 4 files December 14, 2023 CCMP design review, State of the Watershed Indicators 4 files November 16, 2023 Guest Presentation by Aaron Ridall (PhD Candidate, FSU), CCMP updates 4 files October 26, 2023 Oyster presentation 4 files September 28, 2023 Oyster presentation, open house recap 4 files September 20, 2023 Stormwater Work Group (September 2023) 3 files August 24, 2023 CCMP timeline review, priority data gaps 5 files July 27, 2023 CCMP draft review 10 files June 22, 2023 Watershed indicators, next steps for STC committee 8 files June 21, 2023 Stormwater Work Group (June 2023) 3 files May 25, 2023 Scallop presentation, watershed indicators, action plan review 5 files May 15, 2023 CCMP_Drafts 3 files April 27, 2023 Action plan development- metrics, partners, funding 4 files March 23, 2023 Action plan development- metrics, partners, funding 5 files March 22, 2023 Stormwater Work Group (March 2023) 4 files February 23, 2023 Reviewing changes from Management Council and Policy Board regarding prioritized actions 3 files February 7, 2023 Continue prioritizing actions that we ran out of time for on 1/26/23 5 files January 26, 2023 Prioritize actions beginning with resiliency focus area 7 files December 15, 2022 Discuss prioritization and come to consensus 7 files November 17, 2022 Review and come to consensus on outcomes and goals, discuss prioritization 7 files October 27, 2022 Review and come to consensus on outcomes and goals, discuss prioritization 6 files September 22, 2022 Review and come to consensus on outcomes and goals 7 files September 19, 2022 Stormwater Work Group (September 2022) 1 files August 25, 2022 Review reorganization of the goal framework and informally adopt 7 files July 28, 2022 STEM Committee Meeting (July 2022) 4 files May 23, 2022 Introduce estuary scientist 1 files March 15, 2022 Approve both outline and framework to go to the Management Council 1 files March 8, 2022 Approve outline, discuss goal framework 1 files February 17, 2022 Review and discuss goal framework and outline options 1 files January 27, 2022 Discuss role of the goal framework in development of the CCMP 0 files February 25, 2021 Sunshine Law Info 2 files
5K For the Bays Logo

Get Ready to Run!

We are excited to announce our 1st Annual 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. Proceeds from this event will directly support the St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bay Estuary Program, allowing us to continue our vital work in protecting and restoring the local bays.

Click below to learn more!