St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
Protect and Restore Our Bays Together
What We Do
Our programs include activities that can be grouped into the following categories, all working toward implementing actions identified in the CCMP and ultimately realizing our vision.
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St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
7 days ago
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St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
1 week ago
We’re thrilled to announce the completion of our first State of the Watershed Report! This report provides a baseline of condition that can be used to measure progress in ecosystem health and function in response to management actions. The SOWR evaluates 11 indicators and 31 metrics, offering a comprehensive snapshot of our watershed’s health by highlighting current conditions, trends, and maps to illustrate the results. Click below to explore the interactive dashboard and learn more! SOWR Interactive Dashboard:
St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
2 weeks ago
Ever wondered if your catch is a Spot or an Atlantic Croaker? These two fish might look alike, but they have some key differences! Spot, the only drum in Florida with a forked tail, also sports a dark spot just behind its gill cover—like a little beauty mark. They’re fans of munching on invertebrates and even decaying organic material. Atlantic Croaker, on the other hand, has a straight tail and a rugged serrated cheek bone (preopercle). They spawn offshore in the fall, with juveniles spending time in estuaries before heading offshore for the winter, only to return in the spring, summer, and fall. Now you’ve got the know-how to ID like a pro!