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About Us Governance

Our Vision

Healthy, resilient bays and estuarine habitats that support native species, natural systems, recreation, fisheries and the economy, together with vibrant, resilient, and sustainable communities in the watershed that live in harmony with the needs of the estuary.

Our Mission

To collaborate—as representatives of private, public, and non-governmental stakeholders—to improve our common sense, science-based understanding of the needs of the estuary, and to develop, promote and implement projects that protect and restore the health of the bays.

Policy Board

The final decision making body that provides overall direction of the program.

Management Council

An 18 member body that represents diverse perspectives of the entire watershed.

Advisory Committees

Committees are comprised of individuals from all sectors interested making a difference in our region.

5K For the Bays Logo

Get Ready to Run!

We are excited to announce our 1st Annual 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. Proceeds from this event will directly support the St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bay Estuary Program, allowing us to continue our vital work in protecting and restoring the local bays.

Click below to learn more!