St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
Protect and Restore Our Bays Together
What We Do
Our programs include activities that can be grouped into the following categories, all working toward implementing actions identified in the CCMP and ultimately realizing our vision.
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St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
6 days ago
Happy Valentine's Day! 💞 Did you know that humans aren’t the only species with courtship rituals? While they may not go out for dinner and a movie, some species show their affection in other ways!
- 🦐 Big Claw Snapping Shrimp are monogamous and guard their mate and shared shelter.
- 🪽 Anhingas display a courtship aerial show including flying high and gliding followed by nest site selection.
- 🐟 Fish species such as grouper and drum make thrumming calls during spawning to attract mates.
- 🪶 Male Least Terns offer meals to their female counterparts in hopes of winning them over.
- 🦌 Male White-tailed Deer, called bucks, battle it out with antlers and hooves to establish dominance over territory and available females.
St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
1 week ago
Tides and Talks: State of the Watershed
5 Went · 28 Interested
Tune in to Tides and Talks today at 3pm CST or join us at Destination Panama City for an overview on the State of the Watershed Report!
St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program
1 week ago
We wish you a lovely Valen-tides day! Spread the love with these estuary-inspired Valentine's Day cards! Tag, share, or download the print files here: