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St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program

Protect and Restore Our Bays Together

What We Do

Our programs include activities that can be grouped into the following categories, all working toward implementing actions identified in the CCMP and ultimately realizing our vision.

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St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program

5 days ago

Our watershed is home to a variety of lakes, each with unique characteristics and ecological importance. From coastal dune lakes to the Sandhill Lakes and Deer Point Lake, our freshwater reservoir, these water bodies support diverse wildlife, provide drinking water, and play a key role in our local hydrology. Swipe through to explore some of the lakes within the St. Andrew Bay Watershed! #watershed #sasjbep #standrewbaywatershed #standrewbay #stjosephbay #lakes

St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program

1 week ago

The lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) is one fascinating resident of our estuary! Found in seagrass beds and oyster reefs, these masters of camouflage use their curled tails to cling to vegetation or structures while they wait for tiny shrimp and plankton to drift by. Unlike most fish, seahorses have no scales, and their armor-like bodies help protect them from predators. One of the most unique things about seahorses? The males carry the young! After the female transfers eggs into the male’s brood pouch, he incubates them for about two weeks before giving birth to tiny, fully formed seahorses. Lined seahorses are unique species in our coastal ecosystems, but habitat loss threatens their populations. Protecting seagrass meadows and oyster reefs helps ensure habitat for these fragile fish! #wildlifewedesday #seahorse #sasjbep #estuaryprogram #standrewbay #stjosephbay #linedseahorse

St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program

2 weeks ago

Meet our Seagrass Spotlight guest speakers!

For Seagrass Awareness Month, we’re excited to welcome two guest speakers:

Megan Christopher – Aquatic Preserves Manager, Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves

Megan will provide an overview of the seagrass within the preserves, sharing insights into its current status and restoration efforts.

Ryann Rossi – St. Andrew & St. Joseph Bays Estuary Program

Ryann will cover additional project updates related to seagrass research and restoration in our bays.

Join us to learn more about the health of our seagrass ecosystems, why they matter, and what’s being done to safeguard them for the future! 🌱🐠

📅 March 13th, 3:00-4:00pm CDT
📍 Destination Panama City

Free and open to the public—bring a friend and be part of the conversation! 🌊

Friends of St. Joseph Bay Preserves

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